Closet Monster
Joined on 3/24/09
Posted by EpicsplosionMedia - May 10th, 2010
Today I came up with this pun:
I tried to subtract two numbers, but I couldn't tell the difference.
Posted by EpicsplosionMedia - April 7th, 2010
Twitter Twatter Twotter Twinter Twizzer Tweezer Tazer Totter Tooter Tattle Titter Tassle-twot Timber Flimber Snimber Slumber Slaughter Slitter Slider Sloople Slopey Sliffer Shitter Bitter Mitter Kidder Kradder Zadder Kramer Framer Foomer Samer Doomer Damer Flamer Sdamer Fizzamer Facade Fuckade Flossy Lossy Lat Leet Liter Litter Late-britter Frigijitter Snobblerta Flurta Snippy Snop Snap Snizz Sneeze Serener Greener Flutter Flatter Platter Swapber Fruper Fryg Fry Fret Frote Flot Flop Floozy Flizz Zitter Critter Bwibber Bwab Schwab Snipo Sniper Snep Kopety Uhju Frop Flibber Friz Freeze Frass Flock
Posted by EpicsplosionMedia - March 26th, 2010
March 24th, 2009: I signed up for Newgrounds.
March 25th, 2009: Heir to the NG throne is born.
I'm not a n00b anymore!
Posted by EpicsplosionMedia - February 22nd, 2010
Wow! Party name, fast or stunt, a pit. Saga, liar. In, I'm bacon. Emit a tide. Hot Sudan, name estimates. Crater, a brat. Bomb at soot. Main under war. A ball lab, a raw red nun. I am, too! Stab mob tar, bar E.T. arc. Set A.M., it! Seem, Anna. Dust, oh! Edit a time, no cab mini. Rail a gas, tip at nuts, rot safe, many trap. Wow!
Posted by EpicsplosionMedia - February 4th, 2010
February is Black History Month. Go buy a black person a present.